Vanguard Campaign Hobby Progress

Hello folks. It has been a long time since I've posted on Blogger, and many things have changed. I figure I'll get back into blogging with something light - a hobby post.

Mantic is running a promotion for people who blog about their hobby progress for an upcoming campaign. While I usually toil in obscurity, this time I'll give it a go. 

Note:  I'm still learning the ins and out of this, so things are going to be rough. For example, the photos are not very good quality. But hey, that's why we do this, right?  To get better!

My new warband
I was a participant in Mantic's Vanguard kickstarter.  I have always loved skirmish games, ever since the 1990s. Especially so those games that have continuous-growth campaigns where your characters can grow, improve, or get crippled and/or die. So when I heard about the kickstarter, I was all in.  I got the backer box with four warbands:  Basileans, Abyssals, Northern Alliance, and the Nightstalkers.  For my first campaign, I decided to go with the Nightstalkers because they were just so different from anything I've ever seen before. It was an excellent campaign, and I'm ready for my next campaign. 

This time around, I'm going with Twilight Kin.  Why?  A few reasons: 

  • No one else in my gaming group is playing them and I like to be different. 
  • They share some models with the Nightstalkers, so I have some units all ready to go. With the limited amount of hobby time I have, this is a huge bonus. 
  • I really like the models that Raging Heroes makes, and think they would be excellent subjects for a Twilight Kin warband. 

Away we go.

The resin Raging Heroes models proved to be extremely detailed, extremely well made - but also extremely hard to work with. I was constantly snapping tiny pieces, and gluing little bits of limbs together was a pain.  I finally bought a GW armature apparatus, and that helped a bit. But the 'springiness' in the arms still means it's a hassle to get the limbs into just the right position. 

Time for some photos.  Here's where I am so far: 

This one definitely will be a Blade Dancer. 

Reaper Guard, I suppose? 

This will most likely be one of two Executioners. 

Here's the other Executioner.

And the Summoner Crone 

A crossbow-armed Dark Elf I am intending to field as a "Shadow."  I figure the Stalker Bows will be 'light crossbows.'  A ranged weapon with Pound sounds really useful but it requires three hits, and the model only has a base 2d8 ranged attack.  I anticipate lots of Power dice being spent on trying to get that Pound effect. 

Another proto-Stalker. 

The armature apparatus I am using to assist in the gluing process.  Not ideal but better than trying to hold two tiny pieces perfectly still together with my hands for several minutes while the superglue cures. 

And the Stalker with a head this time.  Thanks to the springiness in the armature, the neck is about a millimeter where I intended it to be.  I'm going to try and putty it up so on one can tell.

So that's all for this week.  Onward and upward.