Happy New Year

Here we sit on the threshhold of 2008. I have witnessed the dawning of plenty of new years (perhaps too many), but every time I do so, I promise to myself that I will do things a little different, a little better in the new year. Some times, I actually succeed. However, no resolution is any good without some structure. So, as with any good navel-gazing exercise, I now officially kick off my introspective spectacle of new year's resolutions.

On Writing:

  • I will write at least six days per week, for at least one hour each day that I write.
  • I will seek to achieve at least ten solid hours of writing per week
  • I will attend at least two credible writers' workshops.
  • I will begin submitting my work in earnest to publishers (of various types).
  • I will develop a marketing plan for my writing career.

Regarding The House:

  • Within one month, there will be no cardboard visible to a casual observer strolling through all the rooms (garage excepted).
  • Within two months, the house will be arranged into normal functional configuration.
  • Within six months, I will have a functional workbench constructed and populated in a manner that will allow me to perform standard household and garden maintenance, repairs and improvements.
  • I will use said workbench regularly.
  • Regarding myself:

    • I will exercise at least three times a week, at least one hour per session, in a vigorous manner.
    • I will lose enough weight to put me at less than 180 pounds by the end of the year.
    • I will sort through and rid myself of all old, out-of-date, and unfashionable clothes.
    • I will try to find meaning and fulfillment in my daytime job without going completely insane, breaking any computers, or injuring any people.
    • I will go to church more often.
    • I will try not to feel so guilty about the things I enjoy.
    • I will try not to injure or kill myself on the motorcycle, snowboard, golf course, or other recreational activity.
    • I will go on at least one long-distance motorcycle ride with others.
    • I will go on at least one overnight camping trip
    • I will practice at golf and play at least four full 18-hole rounds of golf (or eight 9-hole rounds).
    • I will not allow myself to be dragged down by the negative people in the world
    • I will allow myself to be lifted up by the positive people in my life.
    • I will draw up a list of principles and resolve to live by them.
    • I will prioritize these resolutions in order of importance and identify conflicting priorities.
    • I will invent a time machine that will give me 40 hours in each day, thus possibly allowing me to actually complete all these resolutions.
    • I will not lose sleep or feel anxiety over keeping or not keeping my resolutions.
    • I will, however, keep my resolutions.

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