Residents of a Small Rural Texas Town claim to have seen a UFO. This story, in itself, is no longer sensational. The similarities between reports is stunning. Isn't it clear what this is?
It's a stealth blimp.
No, seriously. It makes a lot of sense. The government needs a stealthy way to move significant amounts of cargo into hostile areas. Helicopters can be made stealthy to a degree, but they have extremely limited range. Cargo planes are not stealthy and require long runways.
A blimp, on the other hand, can be made incredibly stealthy. Since they go slow, they don't need to have high-tensile-strength metal components to restst the extreme stresses of forward motion. Therefore, they can be made almost entirely of stealthy graphite-epoxy composites. The only metal parts would be the powerplant/propulsion system, and they can be buried under thick layers of radar-absorbing material.
They have tremendous range and time-on-station capabilities. Back in the 1920's, blimps were regularly running trans-Atlantic trips, long before airplanes were capable of this. They can hover theoretically forever.
They have more than enough cargo capacity to insert, extract, or resupply a team of covert operators deep within enemy territory.
The weird lights? external thin-film LEDs on the exterior of the blimp to reproduce the starfield above it. The fake stars would remain stationary to the ground observer, since they bimp would "slide" the star image backwards across the skin of the craft to match its forward motion.
The power plant could be some type of high-efficiency ducted-fan system, powered by fuel cells; or, a jet turbine, silenced via a high-tech active acoustical dampening system; or, my favorite theory, a magneto-hydro-dynamic system with zero moving parts that magnetically "grabs" the air and pulls it backwards through propulsion tubes running the length of the craft.
I believe it is "Occam's Razor" that states that when you have multiple possible explanations for some phenomena, the simplest explanation is most likely the real one. I would hazard a guess that that applies here as well.
Unless the government is preparing us for alien encounters in some subtle, generational way, as in Arthur C Clarke's "Childhood's End." O000h!!