October 17, 2019

My apologies for not posting anything on this blog in many years; I had some "distractions" to deal with. (Possibly will post more on these later.) But now that things seem to be changing rapidly in this world, I am going to re-start this blog so as to leave a record of my thoughs and impressions for the historical record.

I have always been a data-junkie, an amateur forecaster, and a budding philosopher. The GEAS report hit me like the proverbial ton of bricks. Here it was, the shining nadir of analytical technology, and the man behind the curtain turns out to be the Grim Reaper. Much soul-searching is called for, I presume.

But you can't change the future until you have a grasp of where you've come from. So for the first part of this blog, I'm going to try and re-cap the last 11 years, since that's when things truly seemed to start going sideways.

That's enough for today. Take care, everyone.
